So, I hit a plateau. I was struggling with the same 3-4 pounds over and over for a month. Also, Christmas hit, and as much as I told myself I wouldn't go overboard, I just kind of did. Christmas cookies are my thang, ya'll. I bake them for the neighbors. I bake them for family. I eat them and eat them and eat them.
I digress. My good friend got into Advocare a few months ago. Her and her husband were quite successful in losing weight and they signed up to sell the product. I had completed Couch to 5K, and signed my ass up for a real, live, 1/2 marathon (more on this later). My friend introduced me to a few of their Performance Elite products, and I honestly fell in love with them. But as far as the weight loss stuff goes, I had just kind of ignored it all. I was plugging away at weight loss on my own, through healthy, clean eating (with the occasional treat meal/day/weekend) and exercise. Surely these supplements are meant for someone who can't do it on their own. Right? So, I ignored.
Then the plateau. I felt stuck, I felt frustrated, my eating started to slide. I texted my friend and said ok, yes. I will try it. And thus, here I am. Smack dab in the middle of an Advocare 24 Day Challenge. And so happy I decided to go for it.
Go here to read more about the 24 Day Challenge
Go here to read more about the 24 Day Challenge
This challenge starts off with a 10-day cleanse. The cleanse is basically really clean eating, and some supplements. I am writing this about a week after the fact, so don't have pictures of everything, but let's do this day by day, shall we.
Days 1-3
First thing in morning: Drink Spark (energy drink) Take (optional) Catalyst.
Wait 30 minutes.
Drink Fiber drink, extra water, and eat breakfast (or drink the optional Meal Replacement Shake)
Morning Snack: fat and fruit
Lunch: protein, vegetable, complex carb
Afternoon snack: fat and fruit (optional: drink another Spark and take Catalyst)
Dinner: Protein, Vegetables, Complex Carb (if needed). Take OmegaPlex.
Bedtime: Take Herbal Cleanse caplets (optional: Take more Catalyst)
Here is my Day 1-3 in food:
Days 4-7
Pretty much all the same as above with these exceptions:
NO Fiber drink (cause for celebration for many)
Take ProBiotic Restore Ultra in the morning with your Spark.
Here is my food in pictures:
Days 8-10
Add that Fiber drink back in! Keep taking ProBiotic.
No more Herbal Cleanse caplets before bed.
Summary of my 10 day cleanse.
Overall, I felt good. I was a little worried about cutting out my morning coffee. I knew I was replacing it with the caffeine in Spark, but it is just routine for me to drink a cup of coffee every morning. I ended up doing just fine without it. I had plenty of energy throughout the day, I was able to keep up with my workouts.
My eating was really not very different from how I was already eating. In fact, nearly identical actually. So that part was good. I am not sure if this is why, but I never felt like I had any magical cleanse happen. I'm not sure what I was expecting (probably more pooping if I'm being honest, because let's face it, isn't that what you think of when you hear the word cleanse?).
I was kind of hungry a few days. And as you can see in the pictures, while I didn't go overboard and never felt like I was necessarily cheating, I did eat things that were not on the official approved list (namely: protein drinks and that delicious Kind bar). I did my best and I think overall, I ate clean. I didn't break any of their major rules.
My results in numbers:
Pounds lost- 2.5
Inches lost- 0
I am excited to get started with the next
14 days. I am told this is where the magic happens.
So. I'll let ya know. ;-)