Monday, February 1, 2016

Day who knows what!

I'll be honest, the challenge is over, but I don't have the last 2 days done. Sometimes life gets in the way and this time life really got in the way. 

On Friday afternoon after school, me and my 3 boys went to the gym. I had a great workout- my friend taught me how to use the TRX straps and we did a full body workout. Afterwards, we enjoyed a delicious low carb smoothie and just had a good afternoon. On the way home, I stopped to pick up a pizza for the kids for dinner. It was already 5:30, and I did not feel like cooking for them. After getting the pizza, we were on our way home. Just minutes from the house, I was stopped in a line of traffic, waiting to turn into my neighborhood. To say these things happen in a flash is so true. One second I'm talking to my kids in the back seat, the next second the loudest noise I have ever heard (and one that will haunt me for a long time) and my car is spinning into oncoming traffic. I had been rear ended by what I can only guess was someone traveling at full speed and not slowing down one bit before hitting us. My 7 year went into a frantic panic. I cry just thinking of the sound of his screams. His window was broken and he was trying to climb out of the window in some sort of disorganized panic. As I found my voice to clam him, my 3 and 2 year olds both started crying uncontrollably.  Let's just say, it was unbelieveably scary. 

In the end, our car was totaled, my boys are all physically ok (some emotional aftermath though), and I was minimally injured, all things considered. I am thankful, and I am lucky. 

That said, I had pizza. I had cookies. I had a few other cheats in the days following the accident. I never did my measurements again, perhaps I'll get to it this week. My total loss for the challenge was between 9-10 pounds! I may have floundered the last couple of days of it, but so happy to get that weight off again. 

For now, I am still using Spark, MNS, the meal replacement shakes, and Catalyst daily. I am keeping my eating at about an 80/20 in check. Lots of goodbye meals happening here since we are moving next week. Just trying to enjoy, while not going too crazy. 

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