Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Day 3.

I believe my first disclaimer will be to tell you why my food may look boring and repetitive. My husband is living in another state right now (we are in process of selling home and moving), so I make these recipes and then i'm the only one eating them. I decided instead of throwing food away (happens a lot unfortunately), I would eat what I make. Which unfortunately ends up being the same lunches and dinners for several days. 

My second disclaimer is that I am currently training for another half-marathon (well, two of them actually!). I am finding that my running is having a hard time adjusting to the change in foods, so I am probably going to tweak my snacks a bit to allow for more carbs. Just hoping that helps.

But anyway, Day 3. I slept great last night and was headache free all day today! Thankful for that for sure.  Had a busy day, full of kid stuff. Had an extra snack in there because I found myself starving after my workout and at the pediatricians office. I had an Advobar in my bag so I pretty much scarfed it.

Looking familiar by now:


Morning snack-
I actually intended for this to be an apple with Peanut butter, but it was too hard to eat in the car so I grabbed eggs instead.

Exercise- not a lot of time, did 3 miles on treadmill, mostly running, but also some hill running with short walks in between.

Unplanned snack-
My favorite Advobar flavor.

Chicken and veggie stew with 1/2 cup brown rice.

I missed snack after this, we got busy doing stuff.

Leftover chicken taco chili. I mashed a sweet potato and mixed it in for some carb, and also topped with avocado pieces. 

Evening snack-
Carrots and guacamole.

Catalyst and herbal cleanse.

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