Friday, January 22, 2016

Day 16


I couldn't do it. I really only love my shakes blended with water and ice, but drinking it makes me cold and I was already freezing this morning. So, I broke my no coffee rule and brewed up a cup of hot decaf. I put it in the blender with a chocolate meal replacement shake. It actually was quite yummy and warmed me up.  I don't love it as much as my morning milkshake, but it hit the spot.

Snack on the go-
I had a doctors appointment to get my toe looked at finally (probably broken, but healing, and the joint is jammed. Nothing else to do for it). I actually remembered to pack a snack, so I ate this in the car after I left there, while out running errands.

Eating in progress. Chicken tortilla soup with avocado and Go Veggie cheese.

Afternoon snack-
This was so good. Tuna mixed with salsa, on top of cheddar magic pops, with a few blobs of guacamole (less than one of those wholly guacamole 100 calorie packs).

Well. My legs are broken from squats, lunges and deadlifts yesterday, yet I still wanted to try a short easy run. It wasn't good folks. I ended up doing 20 minutes on treadmill (some walking, some running), 12 minutes on elliptical,and another 10 running slow around the track. 

Dinner was late so I had a snack with it because I was staving.
Unstuffed cabbage casserole, carrots and some of this dressing:
It is dairy, but I don't care. 

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